by Mark
Only told this story to a few people because it would sound so strange and uncharacteristic coming from me.
I was 16 playing a sport at an elite level and really enjoying the situation I was in with not a worry in the world. Success was coming easy and I felt truly happy.
One night I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm completely terrified for no reason. I look around my room with my eyes squinted just enough to see because for whatever reason I'm too scared to open them all the way.
As I turn from my side to my back I see a dark figure standing at the foot of my bed composed of the deepest blackness darker than any shadow and I close my eyes thinking there is no way this can be happening. I couldn't move and I didn't want to because the amount of fear I felt is tough to explain.
I'm a big guy and can take care of myself but I sincerely can't describe this fear that had paralyzed my body. As I sit there for 5 seconds that felt like 5 hrs with my eyes closed, all of a sudden out nowhere there is this intense wind blowing in my face from what sounded like a giant bird flapping its wings directly above me.
My eyes are closed at this time but my hair is being blown back by the force of this wind. All the fear and the terrifying feeling I had immediately was gone and I was covered by what can only be described as a blanket of the purest peaceful love you can imagine. I felt so safe and the next thing I know my alarm clock is going off to wake up for practice.
I sit up and right away say there is no way that just happened. Not to me no way. So I go to practice and tell one of the guys on my team what happened and judging by his face he was afraid and just brushed it off.
I believe in God and Jesus but whatever happened that night was all the proof I needed to know that there is more going on than what we see. Jesus and his angels love us and will protect us so never be afraid because we are loved more than we can even comprehend.
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