by Abigail
It was the beginning of spring in 2012. I was in sixth grade at the time and school had just been let out.
Now the busses don't run through my neighborhood so I ducked my head and reluctantly went out into the pouring rain. I walked quickly with no coat or umbrella across the field until I reached a stretch of trees.
Now there was one tree in particular that I always stood under to wait out the storm because it's leaves kept me dry for the most part. As the other people walking quickly passed, I stood there waiting as the wind picked up and the lightning flashed. Usually, I stay there until the rain lightens up but It felt like something was urging me forward even though I didn't want to.
As I got 10 yards away from where I was standing(about 7 seconds later) I heard a loud crack. I turned around to see that the tree that I had just been standing under had fallen over and landed right on the spot that I had been standing in earlier.
I have only told a few people about this and they all have said that it was a coincidence. I don't think so.
Other things like this have happened to me later on too and I have lived to tell it. But those are another story.
I'm positive that it was my guardian angel because not all creatures can be seen on a rainy day.
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