Michael Came to Me

by Renee Lamborn
(St. Marys, GA, USA)

I was called home by my mother because my father was dying of cancer. The family had kept his illness from me and I was in California with my husband and 4 month old son.

I was called at the last minute by my mother to return home as my father was in the care of Hospice, without me knowing, and Hospice told her that he was waiting for me.

I flew home to Georgia from California and went straight into my father's room, where he lay dying. I gave my 4 month old to my sister and was told by Hospice that my father was suffering and waiting on me.

I laid by his bedside, and held my emotions together, and told him that I love him with all of my heart and that I wished he would not suffer for me. I held him and although he could not speak I told him that I wanted him to go...it was okay and I knew where he would be.

He then went into a deep coma and I went to tell my family that he was not able to speak. My family went in to check on him for the next hour, taking turns.

I then woke up at 4 a.m. which was 5 hours later...to an angel with curly ringlets of blonde hair. He told me that my father was dead and to look up Isaiah Chapter 12. I knew his name was "Michael" for some reason.

I knew it was an angel and I went downstairs. My father had died and his Bible was bookmarked to Isaiah 12.

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by: Helen

It sounds like it would have been a great comfort to be visited by an angel at such an intense point in your life. I'm glad you were able to have a special experience like that.

I believe in God with All. my Heart, soul, Mind and strength partly because Christ in me does! He is SO kind, merciful, full of delight and Holiness
by: evangeline

I had an amazing journey with Christ starting witha prophecy conference. People get yourselves where prophecy is spoken. God is revealing His minute to minute Heart and directions for the Church! Essential to stay close to the Heart of Jesus today.Read Gospel of John esp and Revelation if you can. Jesus IS THE WORD OF CREATOR GOD. THere is none eles.
There is nothing to fear except He will help you get your lives Right. Remember that Jesus the Messiah has washed away all your sins. If you believe you will be saved from the coming wrath.John 3:16. It is so easy if you trust like a child ie on Christmas morn. It's all for you. Your name is on Your Gift just open it. This way you become a Child of God leaving the old ways behind. Blessings always. Please pass on the Jesus REALLY loves you.

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