"Archangel Michael Helps me dissolve negativity"

by Elda
(San Diego)

Several years ago I started reading several books of Angels and Archangels and how we can call on them.
One night I was about to fall sleep, and I saw a bright light that illuminated my room. It was like a flash that went off in the middle of my room. I felt the energy around my body and heard a "boom " sound. I was scared and left my room for the night.
Several weeks later I came across a book, and I found out that it was an Angel. I started calling more and more to Archangel Michael, and the lights came often.
Whenever there is someone arguing or someone is frustrated, I call upon Archangel Michael to help them, and I see an instant change in the person's attitude.
I always see frustration and anger as a very thick chain that surrounds the individual, and when I call upon Archangel Michael, I visualise him coming and cutting this chain.
He instantly comes and helps me and others change their attitude about the situation. I am always grateful to have him by my side.

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by: Patricia

Thank you for sharing your story Elda.
I also use the visualisation of Archangel Michael cutting free the people with his sword of blue flame.

That's awesome!
by: Anonymous

So glad to hear this. I need to try this as well.

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