Angel Nurses

by Ann Ellis
(Great Britain)

1975 was not a good year for me; I had lost three babies that year.
It started when I had a dream; I was five months pregnant. In this dream, I was walking over a beautiful bridge. I sensed I could only walk halfway over it. I was holding the twins, wrapped in swadling bands, one in each arm.
In the distance, a nurse walked towards me. She walked on the bridge, and asked me to hand over my babies; her voice was precise but also kind. I handed the babies to her, as I sensed they were going to a better place.
Two weeks later on the 23rd of Feb I lost one of the babies and on 27th I lost the other baby. I didn't even know I was carrying twins, as I hadn't had my first checkup.

I lost my third baby that was full term on the 6th of December.
It was the day my baby was due, I felt a huge turnover in my tummy, and then I felt no movement. I went to the doc's; he couldn't hear a heartbeat, so got my husband to take me to the hospital. They couldn't hear a heartbeat either. The nurse said your baby's dead, so we will induce you on Friday.
Bearing in mind this was four days later, so I had a dead baby inside me for four days. Friday came, I was induced, and was in a great deal of pain when a nurse dressed in white with a cap on, said: "You shouldn't have to go through this my child." She gave me something and left.
Eight hours later I woke up, to see a nurse walking away with my baby daughter wrapped in a blanket. I didn't feel a thing.
I still believe the nurse was an Angel.

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by: Patricia

Aw, bless you, Ann. What a trauma and a grief!
Thank you for sharing your story. <3

by: Anonymous

Wow...something's r just to much to understand..but good to know ur doing great.

Blessing to you
by: Kathy

Thankyou for sharing your story with us. I am sending a bubble of pink energy to you to incase you in pure love. Blessing love and faith to you. You will get what you want that is for sure. Your little ones are in a lovely place.. cared for and loved by the Angels xx

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