" Archangel Michael have surrounded our family greatly".

by makeda mcgrone
(indianapolis in)

" Archangel Michael have surrounded our family greatly".
We are are a Christian family who strongly believe in the works of God's Angels. But this one particular night they all were being called by us. Every force that my Lord has.
" Angels are real"... On the night of July 4th, 2011 @ 10pm. In Indianapolis, Indiana. We decided to take the children to my sister's to see the fire works. We loaded the car with everything so they could have fun and barbeque. They were so happy smiling laughing, talking to each other.
We lived off 79th and Georgetown Road. As we were crossing West 71st we noticed fire works going off in the apartment complexes to our right and on our right, high in the sky. They were so happy seeing them burst with colors. After 3 to 5 times of looking to the right, then to then to left, my sister noticed one did not go out.
After she said it the second time ..This object sitting way up by the fire works, came down 3 feet above the sidewalk and shook out into a huge UFO. It followed us for a while then came over us. Shined their lights over us.
I took off Pleading in the blood of Jesus Christ . If we were not believers of Christ, I don' think we would have survived.
Calling on the Angels of Protection, Love and Mercy. Since then we have seen many things. Calling on Jehovah's Archangels saved us from being abducted..True story...All of us will take a lie detector test to prove it.
Well a few weeks ago my granddaughter took pictures of the outdoors from her bedroom window .in a few of them you see a object like a carpet flying over the houses to the left and an Angel wing on the curtain inside and outdoors on the ground with His wing open. We still have that picture and live in the same place knowing Angels are here to protect us from unforeseen dangers.
Thank You Jehovah my God, for the Angels...In Jesus Name....AMEN......and thank you for allowing me to tell my story.

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by: Patricia

I'm glad you were able to call for help.

archangel Michael
by: Anonymous

My son drove into an elderly woman's mailbox about 3 or 4 am in the morning. A policeman woke my husband and I up with a phone call about the accident and told us to get there as soon as possible. I prayed the entire ride there. When we arrived, a very tall, brown skinned, black haired man leaned into our car and said my son will be alright.
I watched as he walked away from the car. He must have been over 7 feet tall, but then he disappeared.

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